High fuel consumption is one of the main challenges that all companies face. Milking, unrealistic loads thanks to collusion with dispatchers and even bad driving habits, are problems that seriously affect the profitability of your vehicle fleet. Taking all of the above into account, we share these 8 tips that will help you improve the fuel efficiency of your vehicles.
1.- Keep your units in perfect conditionThe correct monitoring of the preventive and corrective services of your units, in addition to keeping the tires in good condition, aligned, balanced and with the appropriate pressure, ensures efficient operation for a longer time.
2.- Plan your routesDefine the routes allowed to your units, this will help you to efficiently control the correct use of vehicles and avoid the personal transfers of your drivers.
3.- Set speed limitsAdopt policies for the use of your units, the most important to take into account is the speed allowed both in the city and on the road. This type of controls reduces the risk of accidents, in addition to keeping the engine working at normal consumption levels.
4.- Avoid extra weightDownload the articles that are not necessary and that only add weight to the load of your vehicles. Also, you need to be careful not to charge your drives above the manufacturer's stated capacities.
5.- Decreases long times stopped with engine runningMaintain strict control regarding the exaggerated use of air conditioning while the vehicle is stopped, since apart from consuming fuel, it generates senseless wear.
6.- Monitors and validates fuel loads and withdrawalsConsider applying controls that allow you to detect loads and fuel withdrawals as this will allow you to validate the loads reported by your operators and know the real performance of your vehicles.
7.- Lock your vehicles after business hoursThis is one of the most effective measures to avoid the excessive use of your company's units at times when they are not normally used for work. GPS devices also allow you to monitor, be able to remotely lock and unlock your vehicles from any device with internet access.
8.- Keep track of performance behaviorIt is very important to have a consumption log that allows you to be visualizing the behavior of your yields, since having this reference, any sudden change will immediately attract attention.
The application of these simple tips ensures you a considerable decrease in fuel consumption and optimization of operating times, which will be reflected in greater profitability for your company.